Saturday, January 24, 2015

Watched Lucy tonight - interesting premise, but movie kind of runs off course as it goes along. Morgan Freeman and Scarlett Johansson carry it but only a 5/10 rating. Old movie reminder of the week - Basic, with John Travolta - watch it evertime it is on.

Quick thought to ponder - what special "gifts" would you want - having all knowledge like this movie is to much. I would go with control of the body and your physical being, ability to swing in time but only a week or so forward or backward, and immortality for the time you want - not forever, you would age but could stay healthy for the time you choose.  Throw in teleportation for the Star Trek fans and we are good to go.

Recent TV - Banshee is killing it as usual, Shameless is always good, and Blacksails started tonight - very underrated show.  continuing to enjoy the Goldbergs, the show just continues to grow on me.

Politics - both parties completely puked on themselves over the last week. Republicans continue to bash literally everything the President does, can't and won't try to find any common ground, let Joni Ernst deliver the SOTU response, which sounded like someone reading "Little House on the Praire"  outloud, and then backed it up by letting Palin step back into the picture - advice - house arrest in Alaska.  The Democrats continued to respond by stating what they were going to do instead of trying to work thru things in some form of bi-partisan attempt, can't seem to get anyone out in front of bad situations/bad press, and right now - regardless of how well things are going for the average person, the public hates the attitude they feel Obama, Biden, and Hillary all have. They need to soften the tone and rhetoric.

On a lighter note - those of you from anywhere but Omaha - recent news here is that a coyote has been seen running around a neighborhood in LaVista. Wow - a coyote, in Nebraska!  What's next, someone sees a deer standing next to the road?

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