Friday, December 19, 2014

One last thought and I will leave you alone for the day.

With all of the coaching changes, firings, forthcoming NFL coaches being fired, and the Bo Pelini circus over the last few weeks, I have to comment on things:

1.  In the age of electronic media and social media, no one in a position of importance in sports is allowed to speak, move, think, or do anything without being recorded or seen.  This is too bad as I am sure everyone of the critics (including myself), sports reporters, TV guys, etc. has sat at home or at a local bar and said, my job sucks, my boss is an idiot, the people I work with are f(&(&ing morons, etc.  They could do this an vent, go back to work the next day, and it was off their chest.

2.  I want to see one coach - hopefully Tressman of the Bears walk up to the podium after being fired, answer all the questions, and then point out politely,

"I understand the business decision and a change in leadership, etc. but I want to point out that I and my coaching staff did not throw one interception this year, did not jump offsides, miss a tackle, rough the passer, get caught out of coverage, or miss a field goal.  Any coach can coach a team to do what is needed - the players have to execute for it to happen and work."

He of course won't say this, as it is coaching suicide, but I want to see a coach put the blame back on the players once.  Oh yeah - I saw it already - his name was Bo and he got crucified for it.

PICKS OF THE WEEK - New Orleans and Atlanta overs,  Indy and Dallas overs, Denver -3 vs. Cincy.

Oh and the NBA sucks the air out of TV.  The football season needs to last for 9 months, not the NBA.  Hell, Premier league soccer is more fun to watch, at least they play defense.

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