Saturday, December 20, 2014

Ok - it is already coming in with grief from people that know me so here goes.

My political stance is left leaning democrat with the ability to fence ride/jump on any position that I agree with on the other side of the aisle.  This is how politics should work - topic is presented, you listen to the topic and its pros, cons, sides, explanations, and then you make a decision where you stand.  Not where your party stands, not where your friends stand, not where the popular vote is, but where and what you believe in.

My simple ones are as follows:

I am for a flat or consumption level tax for everyone - you pay based on what you earn and/or spend. Corporations that are in the US pay there share in full, don't get to hide money, move it offshore, right it off, or suddenly have their headquarters in Ecuador to avoid taxes.  Be glad you make money and pay your share.

Social programs - they exist for a reason - it is important to take care of those that can not provide for themselves.  If you are religious in any nature, you understand this and say at church, synagogue, or worship that you believe in it, so do the same in everyday life. Social security, welfare, unemployment, medicare, medicaid, etc. all exist for a reason.  If you disagree with current social programs - vote for people that will change them and then be willing to give up those things that you don't want others to have - your social security benefits (should be a choice to self invest), medicare and medicaid (if you make enough you should pay for your own coverages), unemployment (if you lose a high paying job - you should be able to find another one - Just ask Mitt Romney, he will let  you know how.

If you gripe about your taxes paying for someone else's well being - step back for a second and address your thoughts on all of the other "social" programs your taxes support - any industry,including good old Nebraska farming, that have government subsidized programs or products.  The military, veterans benefits, housing, transportation,  and roads, etc. For a better idea on where money comes from, where it goes and how it is spent, take a really good look at the current 2015 US Budget

Government in general - Nebraska is lucky - our unicameral system actually works - most state and federal governments do not, because no matter what party you are in, you berate every notion the other side has to get elected, take a year or so to acclimate to your new position, continue to fight with the other party instead of working towards any resolutions, and then start campaigning in your last couple years to do it all over again.  Basically a two party system does not work.

Three novel ideas - neither of which you will ever see happen:

1. The country should actually have a board of directors with non-political affiliation.  If we run things more like a business, maybe we could start to cut some costs and streamline some things.
2. Term limits work to a point - no one should be a lifelong politician - it is the equivalent of a business professor at a college teaching business without ever having worked in one or a priest telling a couple about marriage having never been married.
3.  The presidency and vice presidency should work as follows - a politician declares for running 18 months before the election - anyone that wants to declare does so.  Once you declare - you have no party affiliation.  Anyone that wants can donate to your campaign, but no political party can throw you any support.  After 6 months a general nationwide primary is held and the top 8 vote getters move on. From there it is normal movement towards an actual general election vote (voting would become compensatory with penalty of fines for failure to vote - similar to Australia) with no electoral college.  The final vote decides who is President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, President Pro tempore of the senate, Secretary of State, etc. - Again these top 8 spots become non affiliated with either party, they are there to oversee the parties, the house, the senate, etc. and run the country in the best interest of the people - not a political party.

MORE MINOR POLITICAL STANCES - you can disagree or agree with me, I do not care

Abortion - pro choice
Guns - pro gun within reason. Stricter laws on gun ownership and obvious limits on what the right to bear arms means.  You can argue that you should have the right to hunt deer or protect your home with a fully automatic high power military rifle.  I can argue that I should have a the right to have an RPG if traffic bothers me - we are both wrong.
Religion - freedom of religion and keep it to yourself and out of politics
Foreign Aid - 1-2% of annual spending ($23 to $37 billion dollars) goes to other countries. We have a deficit and poor people in our country - lets fix what we can at home first and foremost.
Gay Marriage - marriage is a legal status - you can get married without being in a church. It is a license or permit issued by the government just like a driver's permit.  As such any two consenting people that are of the age required in the state they are applying in should be able to marry.  It does not affect my family or any of my values.
States rights vs. federal government - Federal laws are voted on by the Senate and House, which represent their states.  Federal laws are certainly necessary at a number of levels, as are state control of certain situations, just a local government is for local interests.  I am for the residents of a state voting for something that the state wants as long as that law does not create a way to discriminate against a group or people in any nature.  Federal law is there to make sure that does not happen and to address legal issues at a countywide level.
Immigration - like anything else, the majority of people coming into the US are doing so to try to better their position in life.  It is impossible to send everyone back and start over and we seem to only want to send back certain ethnic groups anyway, so that point is mute.  Start with making it easier to become a citizen - walk up to our border, register with some very heavy detail of where you are coming from and where you are going, photo ID, fingerprint, etc.  If you are not on a criminal or terrorist watchlist and we have room (we have to set standard point forward immigration limits) then you are allowed in with simple tracking device ( a $5 phone can be tracked as to location) and you have 14 days to establish residency, register at the local DMV or courthouse, etc. and show employment within 30 days.  If you do not, you are deported and not allowed to attempt any re-entry for 5 years.

That is enough for today - more to come later

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