Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sorry for anyone that has been checking the blog for info and seeing nothing. Been swamped lately with work, family, life, school stuff for the kids, etc. Little break coming up with a trip to Phoenix coming up, but of course looks like they will drop out of the sun and 80's they have had just in time for our arrival.  Of course - oh well, still better than midwest snow, ice and cold.

Thoughts for this week - thanks to all of the attendees, donors, helpers, sponsors, etc. at the Skyhawk Baseball Association Bash Fundraiser last Saturday - hope you had fun, I know I did. Baseball around the corner - good luck to all players trying out for teams all over the country. Remember, if you love baseball enough, and get cut, you will find somewhere to play.  If you are willing to look for another program or team, you don't love the game.

Did you watch the Oscar's - normally not my thing, but the last hour was good - Lady Gaga with the only performance I would ever watch of hers, good acceptance speeches, some politics in the room, the determination again that Common can act and speak, but should not sing, Doogie is a funny guy, etc.

Current odds in Vegas on NCAA Basketball tournament  - if the #1 seeds are based on odds to win tournament - they are Kentucky, Wisconsin, Duke and Virginia. See the info at

New TV if bored - AMC Better Call Saul looks and feels like a winner - 1st 4 episodes have been pretty good so far. Check it out.

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