Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sorry for anyone that has been checking the blog for info and seeing nothing. Been swamped lately with work, family, life, school stuff for the kids, etc. Little break coming up with a trip to Phoenix coming up, but of course looks like they will drop out of the sun and 80's they have had just in time for our arrival.  Of course - oh well, still better than midwest snow, ice and cold.

Thoughts for this week - thanks to all of the attendees, donors, helpers, sponsors, etc. at the Skyhawk Baseball Association Bash Fundraiser last Saturday - hope you had fun, I know I did. Baseball around the corner - good luck to all players trying out for teams all over the country. Remember, if you love baseball enough, and get cut, you will find somewhere to play.  If you are willing to look for another program or team, you don't love the game.

Did you watch the Oscar's - normally not my thing, but the last hour was good - Lady Gaga with the only performance I would ever watch of hers, good acceptance speeches, some politics in the room, the determination again that Common can act and speak, but should not sing, Doogie is a funny guy, etc.

Current odds in Vegas on NCAA Basketball tournament  - if the #1 seeds are based on odds to win tournament - they are Kentucky, Wisconsin, Duke and Virginia. See the info at

New TV if bored - AMC Better Call Saul looks and feels like a winner - 1st 4 episodes have been pretty good so far. Check it out.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Well Nebraska continues to drag its feet in coming out of the dark ages on gay marriage and joining the other the other 37 states and District of Columbia where it has been legalized.

Quotes today from both the Asst Atty General and the Atty General of Nebraska

Dave Lopez, representing the state, made his argument around the definition of marriage. He said marriage in Nebraska is meant to "promote procreation and to promote stable relationships."

My response is that you are saying the only reason to marry is to have children?  And when in comes to promoting stable relationship, should there then be a fine or penalty for the roughly 50% of marriages that end in divorce.

The Nebraska Attorney General's Office has said it will appeal any decision blocking or overturning the voter-approved ban on gay marriage.

"I don't buy into this notion that all the states are going to eventually end up going there and we should just join them," Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson said. "This is an institution that has been limited to a man and a woman recognized for 2,500 years."

I can't even respond to this one - I thought our former Atty General was simple minded - this guy replaced him with even less grey matter.

 A couple notes for both of you directly from the Nebraska State Laws category.

Nebraska Revised Statute 42-101

42-101. Marriage a civil contract.
In law, marriage is considered a civil contract, to which the consent of the parties capable of contracting is essential
Note on this one - civil contract - not a word about religious ceremony, procreation, man and woman, etc.
The issue at hand is the following item that was implemented into the Nebraska Constituion in 2000.  Nebraska State Constitution» I-29
I-29. Marriage; same-sex relationships not valid or recognized.
Only marriage between a man and a woman shall be valid or recognized in Nebraska. The uniting of two persons of the same sex in a civil union, domestic partnership, or other similar same-sex relationship shall not be valid or recognized in Nebraska.
It is a violation of rights to enact a law that establishes the removal or separation of rights based on bias to a specific party.  This would be no different than enacting a law saying women can not have a driver's license. 
For those of you that agree with our state's laws and our current State Government position - one quick reminder.  A gay couple that is already together, living in your home town, who work, pay taxes, and have kids in your kid's school, will continue to be together and live in your community regardless of whether they are married.  Their marriage simply gives them rights like other people to estate situations, medical planning, retirement planning, tax benefits, etc. that we already have.  Their marriage will in no way, shape, or form affect you and your day to day life.  So your denial of their rights is a bias and is no different from the bias against an ethnic group, another religion, etc.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Great Valentine's Weekend - spent a nice night Friday with Tracy and the boys at Johnny's Steakhouse, visited the Joslyn Museum Saturday, had a family game night, watched Million Dollar Arm - good movie ( might bug real baseball fans a little), and got Caleb back to school today.  Love them all and appreciate that they all put up with me everyday.

New Grapefruit beer over the weekend - pretty good

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Multiple sports thoughts today for the followers: 

Went to a local high school basketball game the other night - two evenly matched teams, one team worked pretty hard, made adjustments, and simply played the game.  Other team (the home team) kept whining about calls the refs did not make, (actually watched a couple players turn and look at the officials for a call as the other team took the ball down the court on),did not move well without the ball on offense and did not adjust to what they were being given. Guess which team won the game?  That's right - the 1st one.  Worst part - 2 of the players on the losing team are small college potential kids (D2 down), if I were a scout and was watching this game, I would not have recruited them based on how they acted, not how they played.

Current time of year sucks - NBA is not worth watching, NHL is not my thing, Sportscenter sucks, NCCA Basketball does not matter until tournaments start, etc. Baseball is just around the corner - local high school kids - if you are just getting started, you are already behind. 

Pitching notes today on Gamechanger - the importance of 1st pitch strikes.
Your amateur sports resource delivered by GameChanger
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We looked at top pitching staffs in Ohio and Texas. What did we find? Both have excellent first-pitch strike percentages.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Bored Netflix find of the week - Sirens, a comedy by Dennis Leary about an EMT department in Chicago - very funny, easy comedy to watch. 7/10

Daake and the Lemon Lime Smile

Thought we would repost this one for all of the followers. Please take a minute and watch
The link above is for a great cause - Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please take a look at the great work being done at Daake - they are so good at giving back!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

New Beverage try last night at DJ's new location is West Omaha - had a great time with friends.

Red Hook - KCCO Black Lager - between a Guiness and Amber Bock with a sweeter taste.

Good beer - worth a try.
For those of you with Direct TV - here is the Bourbontucky documentary I was talking about.  Audience Channel on Direct TV - find it, record it and sit down with a bottle of bourbon and watch it.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Love the sights and sounds of spring - even though winter hit us hard this week.
Tryouts start first week of March - are you ready?

For those of you that have watched Netflix original series House of Cards - a little reminder of the past - new season available on February 27th.  I will be out of town, but will binge the whole series after that weekend.  Looking forward to it.
I have been really busy and have not had time to post lately....... Ok, got that bullshit out of the way, so back to it we go.

Found some new things lately to share with like minded folks - the first being a nice website for news searches, music topics, sports, etc. Search anything recent. Try it out and see if you like it.

Second - need to give a shout out to Todd, Tyler, Petey Mac, Puss and Craig - this is the crew on Z92  - The Todd and Tyler Radio Empire - every morning for the last roughly 19 years.  I sincerely miss any morning I can not hear them live and am downright pissed when I don't get the chance to catch up on podcasts. Best radio show in the country - I have listed to others, nothing compares. - live link and podcast info

You can also find them on the iphone app Todd and Tyler Radio Empire app - listen live and podcasts available there and on Radio League app on iphone.

3rd - want to give props to Big Dog Beverage in Elkhorn - not many small town liquor stores have this good of a selection of beers, wines, and liquors and post their entire inventory online for your search -

Last for this note of the day - Justified keeps getting better - love the show and recommend it to anyone who wants a reason to have a glass of bourbon while watching TV. Speaking of bourbon - if you have Direct TV - the Audience channel on Direct TV did a documentary on bourbon called Bourbontucky - worth the watching if you are a fan.